NearBeach is currently in alpha development. If you find any issues, or require any help, please do not hesitate to contact on our discord server.
NearBeach is an open source project management system, built using Django and VueJS. The phillosophy of NearBeach is to be easy to install and use, be open sourced, and to be flexible. NearBeach is currently aimed at small/personal organisation to large enterprises. Each new module brought to NearBeach expands it’s capability tenfold and brings it closer to a competing product.
We welcome all contributions to NearBeach. Read our Contributing Guide.
NearBeach is currently going through a massive rewrite - we have stripped out a lot of the features temporarily. We are however writting them back in. Our focus of the rewrite is to improve UI/UX, and the speed of page rendering.
We would like to thank the following sponsors. Their contributions have made sure I am coving any costs associated with NearBeach, i.e. hosting. To sponsor you can use either;
NearBeach will not be where it currently is without the help of other open sourced projects. Below are the references to all the different tools that are utilised within NearBeach. NearBeach would like to thank these projects as they have help construct a better and more stable product. Please consider visiting and donating.
Thank you to Browser Stack for giving us the ability to test NearBeach on all browsers and devices.
Creator(s): Evan You
License: The MIT License (MIT)
Note: VueJS is used to render all front-end UI.
Creator(s): Tiny Technologies Inc.
License: GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
Note: TinyMCE is used for rich text within NearBeach
Creator(s): Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton
License: MIT
Note: NearBeach’s CSS is currently being migrated to Bootstrap. For easy development.
Creator(s): Damian Dulisz, Natalia Tepluhina, Dobromir Hristov, Marina Mosti
License: MIT
Note: We use Vuelidate for validating the form fields before submitting.